Coastal erosion (or shoreline retreat) is the loss of coastal lands due to the net removal of sediments or bedrock from the shoreline.
Coastal erosion can be either a:
- rapid-onset hazard (occurs very quickly, a period of days to weeks)
- slow-onset hazard (occurring over many years, or decades to centuries)
Our trained team deployed an unmanned aerial systems to respond to a rapid-onset hazard. The mission was to acquire highly detailed 3D data of the shoreline and track changes due to a recent erosion event.
<<<Click Picture to view online dataset>>>
Looking at the above excerpt from a recent coastal mapping job. We provided extremely high density, ~100 pts per square meter, LiDAR data to track the erosion of this coastal section in the Pacific northwest territory of the USA. The mission was carried out by a two man UAS operations team. One team member was the UAS pilot and the other was a sensor technician. The two person team went through our training program, which provided the team with all the knowledge to plan the mission before arriving on the job site, arrive and make any changes to data acquisition plan, and to execute the data acquisition.
Once completed, the data was transferred to our GIS and data processing team who processed and delivered the data to our client in 48 hours. Speed was an important factor in this mission, and our acquisition team and data processing professionals delivered above and beyond what was required for the job.
This is just one example of the applications that unmanned LiDAR can excel at. Stay tuned for future articles on:
Land Slide
City Planning
Digital Elevation Models
and much more!
Please reach out to me if you are interested in becoming an unmanned service provider!